Sunday, April 4, 2010

Week 9 - Pre Coaching

My regularly scheduled coaching call had to be postponed this week due to the holiday, but I did have some thoughts I wanted to process before speaking to my coachee anyway. The big question is, “Can listening be learned?” Obviously some people are better listeners than others. Some people are better at pretending to be good listeners. Other people are rhetorically gifted or are merely open and honest individuals who have an easier time speaking candidly. Where do these abilities come from?

My thought is that for some people they are (more or less) natural. I think that I am naturally a very good listener. There are elements that can be taught though. While I was never “taught” to listen per se, I was trained as a sexual assault counselor and learned new skills and information about different kinds of listening through that.

I will be curious to see in this week’s posts if some people had a harder time with this assignment. I am assuming that it was a cake walk for my coachee because he is the epitome of empathy, but we’ll just have to wait and see…

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